Unlocking Innovation for Medicaid Populations
Empowering innovators to navigate regulatory and technology tailwinds, unlocking opportunities to prosper by making a positive impact.
Our Competencies
Navigate the evolving policy and payment landscape across: 1115 demos, ILOS, HCBS, HH, OAA, ACO REACH, SNAP, WIC, for priority groups like SSI/SSDI, DNSP, LTSS, PACE, ESRD, Pregnant, Multi-chronic populations.
Derive and evaluate product and technology strategy, user journey mapping, AI solution engineering, AI strategy, build/buy decisions, value chain analysis, enterprise integrations and interoperability.
Actuarial analysis of claims data, benefit utilization, clinical outcomes analysis, engagement data analysis, ROI analysis, validation and outcome simulation, and clinical literature reviews.
Analyze funding strategy, commercial and financial diligence, board composition, fundraising support - financial model, pitch design and validation, data room, fundraise process design.
Our Deliverables
Decks & Plans
Strategic plans, product roadmaps, pitch decks.
Workflows & Protocols
Operating protocols and workflow mapping.
Lead Gen & CRM
Sales and fundraising lead generation and CRM.
Rapid Validation Workshops


Identify Needs
Understand the client's challenges and opportunities.


Curate Experts
Handpick subject matter experts to address key issues.


Immersive Workshop
Facilitate a 1-2 day intensive session for rapid validation.
Medicaid Transformation


Expanding Eligibility
State-driven policy shifts are expanding Medicaid eligibility.


Innovative Funding
Medicaid is broadening funding mechanisms to pay for innovative care.


Integrated Services
Medicaid is integrating behavioral and social services alongside medical.


Tackling Inequities
Medicaid is addressing long-standing health inequities.
Bridging the Gap
Regulatory Complexity
Medicaid's complex regulations have been a barrier to entry.
Poor Economics
The previously poor economics of Medicaid have deterred many providers.
Untapped Opportunities
Innovators are unaware of the opportunities in today's Medicaid landscape.
Expertise Required
Providers need expertise to harness Medicaid's dynamic regulatory changes.
Our Unique Approach
Founder Insight
Leveraging the ingenuity and resourcefulness of a founder mindset with tactical expertise in innovating in Medicaid.
Domain Expertise
Combining it with extensive managed care industry knowledge and network of industry decision makers.
Unique Competencies
To navigate the complexities of Medicaid commercialization with an execution bias.
Our Founders
Shalen De Silva
Managing Partner
Harvard-trained, venture-backed Medicaid health tech founder with an exit to Optum.
Chelsey Berstler
Principal Advisor
C-level managed care leader with >20 years experience in Government programs at UHG.
Slayer Expert Network
A core differentiator is our network of subject matter experts (SME's) we can draw on for rapid validation.
The Slayer Expert Network consists of SMEs across health plan leadership, policy leaders, health technology founders, AI technology leaders, and industry-focused venture investors.
Contact Us
Understanding your organization's potential to unlock social and economic opportunities in Medicaid can be overwhelming.
Fill out the form to tell us a bit about your organization and we will respond with some clear ideas, tailored to your circumstances ———>
Or email us at: shalen@slayerconsulting.com